Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pencil Sketch(1818)

Beethoven at 13 years old

Beethoven's Birth Home
In Bonn

Original Manuscripts of the Opus 134

Beethoven Conducting"Moonlight Sonata"

Beethoven Life Mask

Beethoven's Grave in Vienna

Beethoven's Piano


  1. All the info on your blog is quite interesting. I especially like the pencil sketch.

  2. I see you're a musician. I would love to hear you play sometime and maybe we could cordinate something together.

  3. Beautiful manuscripts. I am interested in learning how music is composed on the piano.

  4. All of these images are very compelling, but what is even more compelling is your love for music and anything to do with it. I would love to witness you play sometime.

  5. I too am a musician and composer, of coarse not as successful as you, but your music had a great impact on the music world in general.

  6. My dear sir,
    you are simply a fine man. Your music has brought joy to the lives of millions. I would love to hear more about your journey through music, keep up the good work.

  7. As a writer, I am so inspired by your commitment to the arts. I lived in the same era as you and as an African American woman, I was discriminated against. That is an obstacle that I had to overcome. Were there any personal struggles that you had to overcome in the society that you lived in?
